vol. 16: life as a duck, ed.
“To sleep like an opera star, still singing.” - from “Summer Letters” by Lewis Meyers.
Montreal’s Plateau neighbourhood offers many opportunities for tranquility. Although I had quite a peaceful childhood in Toronto, something about the low skyline in certain areas of Montreal adds an air of calm to the city. Living in my first apartment here, I’d frequently wake up and notice how quiet things were outside my window, hearing only birds and cats rather than trucks or morning traffic.
Yesterday after French class, I made my way to the nearby Parc Lafontaine with my new Paris Review. I sat by the lake and glanced through some of the issue’s poetry. As my eye drifted from the page down to the water’s edge, I noticed a mother duck with her ducklings- a moment of sheer synchronicity.
Coincidentally, on the yoga retreat my friend and I took last month to Salt Spring Island, our mats were all adorned with animal tarot cards upon arrival. My card? A duck. Apparently they symbolize nurturing and community. Something worthy of meditation.

My spring has been filled with joyful wedding celebrations for my sister, bonding and inner quietude in yurts on Salt Spring Island sleeping to choruses of wild frogs, francisation, and reading adventures. Little Weirds resonated so much with me, and I was moved by Michel Jean’s Kukum about his Innue roots and grandmother, Almanda Siméon.
In between yoga classes and in preparation for weddings, I’ve been spending time painting watercolours and sharpening my embroidery skills for some homemade gifts.

I’ve also been caught up in some gripping TV. In French class we’ve been watching (and weeping over) Pour toi, Flora, a story about two residential school survivors in Quebec, and I’ve started watching Little Bird about a 60s Scoop Survivor adopted by a Jewish family in Montreal, as well as A Small Light , which tells the story of Miep Gies, a Dutch woman who helped hide Anne Frank’s family in Amsterdam. I’ve poured over Anne Frank’s story over the years and have portrayed her in an opera and film (to be released soon) and will in another gig with orchestra next season. It’s so interesting to see her story from another perspective, and I find myself resonating more with Miep than the 13-year-old Anne at this point in my life.

(NB: don’t worry, my bf and I have caught some Bachelor in Paradise: Canada, (hosted by Canadian opera singer Sharleen Joynt!) as well, so I don’t only watch heavy miniseries!!).
Tomorrow I make my way to the US Prairies to celebrate my friend Gabbi’s wedding and for a quick stopover in Chicago. It’s been years since I went there for my Master’s degree, where I loved visiting the Art Institute frequently with my student membership, exploring my school’s gorgeous art deco buildings, biking by the lake and singing karaoke in boys’ town with my buddies. I can’t wait to squeeze my old pals and celebrate a dear friend’s love.
What are you reading these days? Or pursuing artistically? Are there any animals that particularly speak to you? I’d love to hear. :) xoxo à la prochaine.